Friday, January 16, 2009

nick's birthday dinner pt. 1

so as i mentioned in my last post, i decided i would try to cook nick a birthday dinner. we ended up having steaks. they were good. although i didn't cook them. nick ended up cooking them. which is probably a good thing. but i fixed the rest of the stuff to go with them. so go me. ha. jordan was a little fussy lastnight, but the night ended well and we are looking forward to tonight. i am trying to get us into STIX for nick's other birthday dinner. that is all for now...


Thursday, January 15, 2009

A day in the life...

well since the computer has become the number one source of communication, i figured i would begin a blog to keep you all up to date on the happenings in the lives of nick, laura and jordan hays. for those who don't know (or are unfamiliar with ours lives) i am laura. i am 25 (26 in march) and i am a wife, mommy and i also work at a law firm in birmingham. my husband, nick is 23 as of today and works for a pipe supply place here in birmingham and my son, jordan, was born october 14, 2008 and makes my life very interesting. i love ever minute of it. so here is my first entry i assume.
today is january 15 which means it is nick's birthday. he is the big 23. and incidentally, yesterday jordan hit the big 3 month mark ha. i love both my boys very dearly. being a wife and a mommy gives me both purpose and a sense of fulfillment. but back to nick's birthday. i am attempting to make him a birthday dinner tonight (which might interpret to "i am making a lot of burnt food tonight for nick's birthday). we will see how that goes. i am not quite the natural when it comes to the kitchen, but i am attempting to make that a goal for myself. hopefully it will not be a complete disaster. i guess that is all for now.
